Monday, April 13, 2009

I do....

We rejoice here today for love, true love...

Yes... we legally tied the knot! Randy and I are so excited. AND, we get to do it again in a few weeks in Mexico with all our friends and family. That will be even more exciting. How many people get married to the same person 2x in 1 month?

We had a perfect rainy day to have a civil ceremony at the Driggs Teton County Court House, where the judge was not told he had an appointment, so we patiently waited for him to arrive and marry us. It was totally worth the wait. I promise.

We had a small group, Chet , Margaret, Lizz and David (who took all the great photographs. So if you need a photographer, he's awesome!). We wanted to keep it small, since our ceremony in Mexico is the "official" unofficial wedding! And this was our official "unofficial" wedding!

We thank everyone for the warm wishes!

Mr. and Mrs. Hughes!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Checkin' out the back side of Grand Targhee

We decided to check out the back side of Grand Targhee on an amazing blue bird day with a few friends. (One of the few sunny days we've had in a long time.) It's considered out-of-bounds, so you are your own to tour around back there with skins and/or hiking. There were tons of people hucking every cliff they could get there hands on, watched an avalanche go (there were no no people in that area) and just enjoyed a great day of yummy powder!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A walk... oh, I mean ski in the woods!

Last weekend we decided to have a "backcountry" ski weekend. It was all about earning our turns. Here are a few pictures out in Columbia Bowl off Teton Pass. Just another beautiful day in paradise! It was so great to get a weekend with Randy being home for 2 days!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

San Francisco... in style!

I am starting to realize how cool it is to be marrying a pilot! Ha! This weekend, Randy was asked to help co-pilot on a flight to San Francisco, and I was invited to tag along. Randy's friend Tom owns this great single engine plane called the Epic LT. Lets just say we got from Driggs, Idaho to San Fran in about 2 hours! Its considered experimental, but its pretty amazing. Only about 20 of it kind flying around.

This was our "ride!"

We had about 1.5 days to see as much of San Fran as possible, and we jammed it in! We got a taste of Fisherman's Wharf — ate lots of crab, took a trip to Alcatraz, rented bikes and rode along the bay, crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and ended up in Sausalito, and ate some spicy Indian food!

This was about to be my dinner! Yummy, crab! Please don't pinch my nose!

Boat Ride to Alcatraz


Riding across the Golden Gate Bridge on our fancy bikes!

What a view!

Again, another awesome weekend get-a-way! And we can't wait to see more of San Francisco sometime in the future. (And whatever other flights I can tag along on with Randy!)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Powder Daze at Grand Targhee!

What a start to the New Year... bring it on 2009! Randy and I got up extra early with the news of 13 inches of fresh snow up at Grand Targhee... and grand it was! With an abundance of fresh snow, we got to hit the slopes early and enjoy some of the lightest and fluffiest (is that a word?) snow ever! Here are a few clips to show you some turns.