Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby Bump - 19 weeks + Backpacking!

This weekend we decided to go backpacking before I get to tired to do this kind of stuff! We went to an area called Packwood Lake (between Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens) with our friends Renee & Steve. It was breathtaking! We hiked about 6 miles each way and Randy was kind of enough to carry a lot of extra weight so I could just take what I should. Staying strong and healthy, and doing the best we can!!!

19 week baby bump 

Randy trying to show off his bump...

Randy, Steve & Renee

Renee & Julie

Julie & Randy

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fishing Adventures

We have been trying to get out fishing these days since there is only so much a pregnant girl can do!!! Here are some pix from fly-fishing on the Clackamas River  (which was so breathtaking) and Steelhead fishing on the Columbia River (in the rain).  I got to reel in my first Steelhead and it was a blast! Hoping for lots of days ahead of some throwing down some lines!

Baby Bump - 18 weeks

After a rainy relaxing weekend in the rain, the sun came out for some photos! Feeling great this week, and hoping for it to keep going so easy!

18 week baby bump!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby Bump - 16 weeks

It's official, my baby bump is starting to show! This was taken in the old grown forest on the way to Larch Mountain.

16 week baby bump!