Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hudson - 4.5 months

So much to catch up on in baby-land! Time flies so fast and then you realize a month or 2 have passed by. We have been having fun visiting family in NY and Seattle. I got a weekend off and went to Denver to visit my friend Jessica on my own for a weekend leaving Dad to take care of Hudson! We are just enjoying watching Hudson change and grow and show his little personality. We took him to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival to see the flowers, we had our first "mommy group" bbq with 8 babies boys hanging in the back yard, he is learning to laugh, play in his doorway jumper, grab things, roll-over and so much more!

I love naked-time!!

pretty tulips!

dad always makes me laugh!

I am lounging in this awesome wooden shoe!

Yeah! Happy parents.

Of course we needed a family portrait

These are fun to play with.

Mom cuddles with me.
My friends from play-group
Our first bbq with other new mom's!
I can read to you.. see!