Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby Bump - 24 weeks ... Airshow, Zoo + the Beach!

We have been busy getting lots of fun activities in while the weather is still amazing here in Portland! And so far still feeling strong, trying to get out an hike, do yoga, some sculpture classes and more. Our little baby is a kicking machine, giving me the harder punches everyday. 4 more months until we get to meet this little person, it really is amazing. I am growing at a rapid rate now... oh the joys!

24 week baby bump!

24 week baby bump!

Cannon Beach

Randy at Cannon Beach going for a run...

At the Oregon Zoo

At the Oregon Zoo

At the Oregon Zoo... so cute!

Oregon Air Show

Oregon Air Show

Oregon Air Show

Monday, August 15, 2011

Baby Bump - 22 weeks + the Clark County Fair!

We are sure past the half way point and fitting in as much as we can before I totally slow down! On Saturday, Randy and I went for a great 5 mile hike up Angel's Rest in the Columbia River Gorge that climbs 1300 vertical feet. I hiked it in my record slow time, but it felt good to get some exercise. Sunday we hit up the Clark Country Fair with a bunch of friends to check out the Monster Truck show (way too loud!), some games, rides and animals.

22 week baby bump is showing for sure!

Monster Truck wheelies!

View from the ferris wheel.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baby Bump - 21 weeks + Wydaho!

Still feeling good this week, and the little monster is a dancing fool in my belly! I am getting bigger, slowing down and doing the best I can.

We decided to drive back to Victor, Idaho this weekend for 4 days and have a whirlwind trip back to visit our friends, our home and where our hearts are. We went fishing, hiking and visited everyone we could. It was so sad to leave again, but looking forward to going back whenever we can!

21 week baby bump!

Teton View from the Teton River

Clayton & Randy

Sarah & Julie

Randy catches a fish in the Palisades Creek.

Flat Creek in the National Elk Refuge

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's a Boy!!!!

We are proud to say that we are having a little boy! Our ultrasound seemed to have gone really well and we could not be happier. Neither of us had any idea what our baby might be.... but as long as he's happy and healthy... then so are we!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Baby Bump - 20 weeks + Smith Rock

We have officially hit the 20 week mark with this crazy baby of ours. It is doing some fancy kick boxing moves on my bladder like there is no tomorrow! But we are feeling good and excited. This weekend we ventured down to Bend, OR and checked out Smith Rock State Park for some hiking. It was stunning (though 90 degree desert temperatures), and very hot. So we hiked slow, drank lots of water and spent the next day in Bend with our friend Sarah, floating on rafts for a good time to deal with the heat! I can really feel myself slowing down these days but trying my hardest to stay active—day by day!

20 week baby bump!

Julie walking really slow in the heat!

Randy + Julie


Monkey Face rock, lots of people climb this.

Randy with Monkey Face!

Floating through Bend, OR

Julie + Sarah floating in Bend!