Monday, August 1, 2011

Baby Bump - 20 weeks + Smith Rock

We have officially hit the 20 week mark with this crazy baby of ours. It is doing some fancy kick boxing moves on my bladder like there is no tomorrow! But we are feeling good and excited. This weekend we ventured down to Bend, OR and checked out Smith Rock State Park for some hiking. It was stunning (though 90 degree desert temperatures), and very hot. So we hiked slow, drank lots of water and spent the next day in Bend with our friend Sarah, floating on rafts for a good time to deal with the heat! I can really feel myself slowing down these days but trying my hardest to stay active—day by day!

20 week baby bump!

Julie walking really slow in the heat!

Randy + Julie


Monkey Face rock, lots of people climb this.

Randy with Monkey Face!

Floating through Bend, OR

Julie + Sarah floating in Bend!

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