Friday, December 23, 2011

Hudson Hughes - 1 week old!

Hello all!  We're finally finding a few minutes to relax and are settling into a new routine at home. We couldn't be happier with our new little addition to the family!  It's been a whirlwind week and a half, but here's an effort at catching up:

Julie woke Tuesday morning, December 13th to a little bleeding, so we took her in to get checked out.  We never did find the cause, but in having some blood work done, found she also had a low platelet count.  (low platelets indicate blood may not clot well, and also precluded an epidural to help Julie with pain later in labor.)  We were within a few days of her due date, and everyone agreed it was best to help get labor started to limit any risks that could get worse with time.  Julie responded well to the Pitocin they started early Wednesday, having mild to moderate contractions all morning.  Her water broke around 1pm, and the contractions were instantly more intense!  About 6:30pm, Julie told us she felt something had changed and she had a strong urge to push.  We rounded up our doctor (in a hurry!) who confirmed that it was time!  Hudson joined us at 6:56pm on the 14th.  We owe a special thanks to our doula, Heather for her coaching through labor, Julie's mom for her support, and all of the wonderful nurses and staff at Providence Medical Center in Portland.

We rested in the hospital for two days, then came home Friday afternoon.  It's hard to believe a week has passed already since then!  We've been blessed to have Julie's mom, Judy with us since just before we checked in to the hospital.  Her help and support has made this time even more special for us.  Hudson's aunt Heidi visited in the hospital before he was even a day old!  His grandpa Howard and "grammie" Sandra made a weekend trip from New York, the grand-Hughes' drove from Seattle, "Grandie Sandie" came for a day from California, and many more visits from extended family from the local area have kept us plenty busy this week.

Happy holidays from our whole family!

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