Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NY... part 1

The whirlwind trip to NY!!!! A week of reuniting and parties! (And Randy meeting ALL my family!) And how much we can possibly fit into the shortest amount of time!

Mission 1: Wedding Dress
I arrive in NY and go wedding dress shopping right away with my mom. We found the perfect dress for a beach wedding in the first store! It was so wonderful to be able to spend that time with my her. It's not everyday her only daughter gets married. (we hope!). A great memory to have!

Mission 2: Maddie's Bat-Mitzvah
Randy flies into NY a few days after I come in (since he did not need to go dress shopping with me!) and we go to my little cousin's Bat-Mitzvah. This is Randy's first big family party! It was so fun to see everyone and celebrate with my family... It was a beautiful day. Below are pictures from the morning and evening events.

Mission 3: Cirque du Soleil
We were lucky to see Wintuk at MSG. What a beautiful show! The performers were so amazing and they make it snow in the theatre! This was Randy's first super big show, and we can't wait to go see more.

Mission 4: Brunch with the crew!
Its not everyday I get together with my closest friends from Syracuse. We got to hit up a rainy Saturday brunch in NYC and catch up on old times before the busy party at my Mom's. I miss the old days when we all lived around the corner and this was a normal part of life. But a lot of us have moved and this is the first time we have all been together in 4.5 years.

Mission 5: Engagement party!
My Mom and Elliot gave us an amazing engagement party at their house. There were about 85 people there to celebrate and it was absolutely perfect! We are so thankful for all those that could be there will us. We could not stop talking about it for days! Thanx Mom! Pictures from the party will come soon.

Overall... another successful trip! More adventures to come... stay tuned.

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