Monday, October 3, 2011

Baby Bump 29 weeks - Fly fishing on the Kalama River

So all summer we have been waiting for a perfect day to learn to fly fish for Steelhead. We hired a awesome guide to take us on his raft down the Kalama River in Washington. The weather worked out, it only rained a little, my waders still fit (I was a little worried about that!), and we went home with an awesome fish to fillet up. Randy was the lucky fish winner this time, but it is his birthday this week, so he deserves it!

We have only gone fly fishing for trout over the years and it is a huge expense to get into the set-up for Steelhead, so we wanted to do it right with an expert to teach is the ropes. We have a long way to go... patience is a virtue, and the prize was huge! And I was glad I could still climb in and out of the raft!

29 week baby bump! So in style in my waders!

With our guide Jason.

Randy caught a Steelhead!

31" fish. That is a big fish.

A spawning salmon. This one goes back in the river.

One of my silly itty bitty fish... doesn't count!

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