Friday, January 13, 2012

Hudson - Week 4

Holy's been an entire month since Hudson was born. Time sure flies when you are sleep deprived, feeding and changing diapers. We sure are proud of him and he is such a good baby! He loves to play during the day and we are getting a lot better at sleeping at night (which we are very thankful for). We got out for some walks and a hike in the Gorge, been trying to make it to a restaurant here and there, and Hudson learned to take a bottle, so Randy can do a feeding a night. Every day is something new. This is the ULTIMATE test of patience!

Big yawn!

I think I need to poop...

Going for a hike in the Gorge.

Dad gets to feed Hudson.

Check out my new quilt that my Aunt Pat made me...Thank you!!!

And Sarah knit me this cool frog hat!

I dance during the day.

I cry when I am sooo tired.

I like to be cute.

And blow bubbles.

And of course sleep, so mommy and daddy can rest!

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