Friday, February 10, 2012

Hudson - Weeks 7-8!

Hudson is a growing, eating machine... and having lots of adventures—from skiing, to hiking, mommy groups, car shopping and more! We have lots of good days and some really tough days with our little man. He is good at throwing the curve ball when you least expect it, but we are starting to get some real purposeful smiles, which makes it all worth it. He is getting easier to read, and we are learning a bit of a schedule. Finally!

I love sleeping in my Baby Bjorn on hikes!
Eagle Creek is so beautiful, though I slept through it all...

See.. I smile now!
And I get snuggles from Grandma Lisa...

Mom makes me laugh (sometimes!)


I think I am outgrowing the football hold.
My first ride on the light rail to see the car show.

Bath time is not so bad these days.

And I figured out how to roll on my side.

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