Monday, March 12, 2012

Hudson - week 12

We have been a little lazy about posting the last month, but we certainly have not been slacking. Hudson is getting to be so much fun and the days go by so fast since he wants to play all day! He smiles all the time, is learning to have conversations with us, cooing like crazy and only getting up 1x a night. What a relief. We have been exploring, had a visit from Uncle Marc, we keep going to mommy group, had a trip to Las Vegas for our friends Chet + Margaret's wedding, baby boot camp (so mom can get a workout) and so much more.

I have learned to pout!

Tummy time is getting a little less scary.

Look, I can do it!

Uncle Marc comes for a visit, before he moved to Switzerland.
Parent day together.

Hmmm. I really do like my Uncle!
Why is he "farting" on my ear?!

Sunny Vegas... too bright for me!

Wow, us boys are handsome.

Smiles for everyone.

I love bath time, then I get to snuggle in a blanket.

More hikes with mom + dad.

More bath time fun!

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