Friday, September 26, 2008

Full of Hot Air!

Julie & Margaret in the balloon

What a great morning!!! I got to go up hot air ballooning with one of my best friends (who happens to be a balloon pilot) Margaret! This is my 4th trip with Margaret and I feel so lucky to be able to go every summer for the last 4 summers! And joining us was my boss Latham, who got to video the experience for a blog entry on That should be posted in the next few weeks. I'll let you know when its up! But check out his photos on Flickr. Click the link below to see his photos. They are beautiful and worth checking out. Latham is a photographer and takes much better photos than I do!

The fall leaves are almost in prime color and the views are spectacular right now! Ballooning is the oldest form of flight in the world and so calm and relaxing. I suggest it to anyone who is not afraid of heights!

Margaret getting the balloon ready to fly.
See the big flame!

One of the other balloons that was up.
Check out the cool graphics of the Tetons on the envelope of the balloon.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Whirlwind Road Trip to Washington

2024 miles in 6 days.

Wed. morning, we hit the road bright and early and drove straight to Yakima, Washington (a 12 hr. drive) to visit in with our friend Lisa Hunt (formally Lisa Martinez) before her big wedding reception on the following Saturday. Her family lives on this beautiful working ranch/farm surrounded by fields with views of Mt. Rainier and Mt. Adams. It was great to get some fresh air, visit and catch up before we hit the road again.

Morning came around and we drove over to Mt. Rainier National Park to check out the glaciers and see a new place. Neither Randy or I have been to that park before. I can't wait to be able to go back and really spend some time there. It is so beautiful! And Mt. Rainier is HUGE. Take a look at the video below for a sneak preview.

After our trip through the park we went to visit Randy's cousin Michelle up at Lake Tapps, which is very close to Seattle. And Heidi (Randy's sister) came over as well to hang out, have dinner, enjoy the hot tub and beautiful lake. The next morning we drove up to Seattle so we could register at REI. One if our favorite stores!

Michelle & Randy (cousins)

Julie & Heidi (my soon-to-be sister-in-law!)

And again we got on the road and met Randy's parents and sister in Kennewick, WA to visit and go to a hot rod show. (They were showing off the new car they are building). Randy and I were lucky enough to drive the new Model A around. What a fun car!

Randy & his dad in the Model A (with a Model T bucket)

Randy & I showing off how great we look in this car!

After the car show we went to Lisa and Dave's wedding reception back in Yakima. A really fun BBQ, great food, friends and views. We were so glad to be able to be there and be able to share their time with them.

After the party, we took two days to drive home, exploring some back roads through Saw Tooth Mountains in Idaho. We camped where there was one of the most beautiful natural hot springs, visited Craters of the Moon National Monument and finally made it home! I'm tired just thinking about what we did!

A LARGE tea pot on the side of the road!

A lava tube at Craters of the Moon

Coming out of a cave at Craters

An old cinder cone volcano

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Duckie Day!

A duckie you ask? Yes, a duckie is a small raft for 1 or 2 people that you use like a kayak down a river. A few weeks ago, we decided to rent some duckies with a few friends, Chet and Margaret, and hit the whitewater on the Snake River. I just got the photos back so its time to share!

Randy & Julie holding on for dear life!
Photo by Float-O-Graphs

Check out our old-school wetsuits!

Chet & Margaret after flipping!

It was a perfect day... friends, cold beer, BIG rapids and we broke Chet in on his first whitewater adventure! Chet and Margaret only flipped 2x! Randy held us on and saved us from flipping, but we were drenched. I was sitting in the front seat and every wave we hit got me straight in the face. They say the river was the biggest since the 90's, so even though we were out there in August, water was running really high. Good times and I can't wait to do it again.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend on Leigh Lake in GTNP

Holiday weekends are always about having an adventure, and this was a memorable one! We decided to get a backcounty permit to do an overnight kayak trip at Leigh Lake in Grand Teton National Park. Saturday afternoon. we start at String lake, do a short portage and then paddle across Leigh to get to our hidden campsite near the base of Mt. Moran. It is so beautiful out there. The goal... catch a bunch a fish for dinner. And it was a success! We ate some yummy lake trout cooked up over a nice fire.

On Sunday, we catch another fish for brunch, and in the afternoon decide to head back home. About 15 minutes in to the paddle, the wind picks up, waves and white caps start, and we have to surf across the lake to pull over and pitch a tent for almost 2 hours as a MAJOR storm hits. Talk about scary! Just as we were discussing to leave the boats, and walk back to the car (over an hour back), the storm passes by, we get back on the water, paddle 3/4 across Leigh lake. And then "BOOM!!!" lighting stikes the peaks in front of us. it starts to rain really hard, and the temperature drops into the 40's. So we paddle along the edge of the lake to the portage, portage the boats in the rain and get back onto String Lake. The rain is not letting up, and either is the thunder. But we keep paddling. I am going against everything I ever learned growing up and lifeguarding about not being on the water in a lighting storm! We finally make it back to our car, safe and sound and freezing cold. Phew.... and home to cozy up.

By far the most extreme kayak trip I've ever been on! Hopefully the next one will be a little easier!