Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend on Leigh Lake in GTNP

Holiday weekends are always about having an adventure, and this was a memorable one! We decided to get a backcounty permit to do an overnight kayak trip at Leigh Lake in Grand Teton National Park. Saturday afternoon. we start at String lake, do a short portage and then paddle across Leigh to get to our hidden campsite near the base of Mt. Moran. It is so beautiful out there. The goal... catch a bunch a fish for dinner. And it was a success! We ate some yummy lake trout cooked up over a nice fire.

On Sunday, we catch another fish for brunch, and in the afternoon decide to head back home. About 15 minutes in to the paddle, the wind picks up, waves and white caps start, and we have to surf across the lake to pull over and pitch a tent for almost 2 hours as a MAJOR storm hits. Talk about scary! Just as we were discussing to leave the boats, and walk back to the car (over an hour back), the storm passes by, we get back on the water, paddle 3/4 across Leigh lake. And then "BOOM!!!" lighting stikes the peaks in front of us. it starts to rain really hard, and the temperature drops into the 40's. So we paddle along the edge of the lake to the portage, portage the boats in the rain and get back onto String Lake. The rain is not letting up, and either is the thunder. But we keep paddling. I am going against everything I ever learned growing up and lifeguarding about not being on the water in a lighting storm! We finally make it back to our car, safe and sound and freezing cold. Phew.... and home to cozy up.

By far the most extreme kayak trip I've ever been on! Hopefully the next one will be a little easier!


Anonymous said...

WoW Julie! I'm glad y'all made it safe. I love the new blog. I'm excited to hear about all of your adventures! Mitch

jennymacg said...

Jules, I love your kayaking adventure story and your new blog! Good to know you're out there living it up!! xo Jennifer