Thursday, September 18, 2008

Whirlwind Road Trip to Washington

2024 miles in 6 days.

Wed. morning, we hit the road bright and early and drove straight to Yakima, Washington (a 12 hr. drive) to visit in with our friend Lisa Hunt (formally Lisa Martinez) before her big wedding reception on the following Saturday. Her family lives on this beautiful working ranch/farm surrounded by fields with views of Mt. Rainier and Mt. Adams. It was great to get some fresh air, visit and catch up before we hit the road again.

Morning came around and we drove over to Mt. Rainier National Park to check out the glaciers and see a new place. Neither Randy or I have been to that park before. I can't wait to be able to go back and really spend some time there. It is so beautiful! And Mt. Rainier is HUGE. Take a look at the video below for a sneak preview.

After our trip through the park we went to visit Randy's cousin Michelle up at Lake Tapps, which is very close to Seattle. And Heidi (Randy's sister) came over as well to hang out, have dinner, enjoy the hot tub and beautiful lake. The next morning we drove up to Seattle so we could register at REI. One if our favorite stores!

Michelle & Randy (cousins)

Julie & Heidi (my soon-to-be sister-in-law!)

And again we got on the road and met Randy's parents and sister in Kennewick, WA to visit and go to a hot rod show. (They were showing off the new car they are building). Randy and I were lucky enough to drive the new Model A around. What a fun car!

Randy & his dad in the Model A (with a Model T bucket)

Randy & I showing off how great we look in this car!

After the car show we went to Lisa and Dave's wedding reception back in Yakima. A really fun BBQ, great food, friends and views. We were so glad to be able to be there and be able to share their time with them.

After the party, we took two days to drive home, exploring some back roads through Saw Tooth Mountains in Idaho. We camped where there was one of the most beautiful natural hot springs, visited Craters of the Moon National Monument and finally made it home! I'm tired just thinking about what we did!

A LARGE tea pot on the side of the road!

A lava tube at Craters of the Moon

Coming out of a cave at Craters

An old cinder cone volcano


Anonymous said...

i like......

Anonymous said...

This was such a nice visit....I love the blog...Thank you for coming by on the "whirlwind"...Love you Both...


Anonymous said...

It was great to see you both while you were driving through! So glad you got to come this time Julie. Love the pics! How fun. Chat with you both soon. Love, Heidi